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Everyday Math for Translators - 南桥 - 南桥的博客
Everyday Math for Translators - 南桥 - 南桥的博客
Everyday Math for Translators - 南桥 - 南桥的博客
An English-Chinese translator was asked by a friend about the  word count ratio between the original English text and its Chinese translation.  The translator, being the math nerd he is supposed to be, by virtue of being a Chinese --  though using the same argument you can call a chicken duck, or a duck goose --  randomly selected five chapters from his recent translation, and here is what he found: 

1. 2639 words in English translates to 5687 words in Chinese
2. 6588 words in English translates to 12059 words in Chinese
3. 2482 words in English translates to 3929 words in Chinese
4. 2203 words in English translates to 3511 words in Chinese
5. 4964 words in English translates to 8627 words in Chinese

During the weekend, he could have translated 5000 words in English into Chinese at RMB70 per thousand words in the translated Chinese text.  Instead, this translator worked on his backyard by laying some stepping stones to cover up some of the weeds which just appeared out of nowhere "whan that aprill with his shoures soote".   The square stepping stones cost US$1.58 per piece.   The round one cost US$2.25 per piece.   

With such information, answer the following hodge podge of questions:
1) Which language is more concise, and why?
2) How many square stepping stones could he buy if he had translated instead on a Saturday? 
3) If the translator had hired a handyman to do the yard work at $75 dollars an hour for five hours, how many weekends does he have to work as a translator to cover that cost?
4) Let's say a novel is 100,000 words in English.   The translator used 30 round stepping stones, 20 square stones and eight hours of a handyman's work for his project.   Will translating a novel cover the cost of the entire project?
5)  You are probably very bored by now, here is your chance to get at least one question right:  Has anyone seen the copper-colored moon last night?   





1248篇文章 4年前更新

安徽桐城人,现居美国,在美国高校从事课程设计工作,业余从事文学翻译,曾译有《河湾》、《一个唯美主义者的遗言》 、《老谋深算》、《万灵节》、《布鲁克林有棵树》、《两个世界之间:赛珍珠传》、《另类的英雄:萨特传》 、《地之国》、《转吧,这伟大的世界》等。他还是多家报刊的撰稿人或专栏作者。 感谢大家来访。除特别说明外,博客文章均属原创,未经授权,谢绝转载 与引用。如商业性网站或者平媒使用,请支付稿酬(联系地址berlinf@yahoo.com,或在文章后留言告知)。 违者将追究法律责任。
