最近在几处地方看到bully pulpit一词,不知其意,一查,方知2013年出了一本书,叫The Bully Pulpit: Theodore Roosevelt, William Howard Taft, and the Golden Age of Journalism.
文中称:“The White House bully pulpit, popularized by Teddy Roosevelt as a means to cajole the public to civic action, has been mounted by presidents most often on the campaign trail in election seasons. ”
... it's the job of the critic—working with editors to determine which movies should be reviewed—to sort things out and use the bully pulpit.
此处所指含糊,但看来不是白宫,应为各位影评家自己的影评栏目吧。中国那些"大V"们的微博,便是各自的bully pulpit. 只不过有言论的人没关注,有关注的人言论,这倒也是常事。
前一阵子范冰冰说转发其微博送挂历,一时间转发评论如云。范冰冰能有多少东西需要用讲坛来宣讲我表示怀疑,但是那种一呼百应,倒颇有傲视众生高高在上的bully感觉。不过这种美女的眼球经济,还是称之为beauty pulpit吧。可惜我去其微博逛了一下,大部分都是她自己的照片。