财新传媒 财新传媒


上周末,朋友维克的太太过生日,也是夫妻结婚25周年。 维克办了个惊喜的Party, 通知了所有人出场,还请了我女儿所在乐队伴奏。他在仪式上当很多人的面告诉她太太:感谢你做出了很多牺牲,等我完成了博士学位,在家抚养大了孩子。接下来25年,我要带你去看世界,要和你一起看到孙儿出生... 这大庭广众之下执子之手与子偕老的告白,很温馨。










Amy的先生Grant是我们大学球队的播音员,声音非常好听。不过在美国大学,搞体育的人处境有时候比较尴尬。在我们这个四五千人的学校,教师往往觉得学校应该把精力放在学术上。若在体育上大兴土木,挥金如土,而在教学上砍项目、裁员工,体育系统的人就更被非议了。现实情况是:大学体育是大产业,搞得好,可以给学校带来新的关注、生源和校友捐赠。今年学校的男女球队双双出线,打入篮球大学联赛的“三月疯”,学校主页(www.acu.edu)的访问量就上升了九倍之多 —— 成功的体育项目给学校带来正面影响。




能看出这种赏识不是假心假意的吹捧,发自真心 —— 甜言蜜语可以掺假,但细节不会撒谎。她知道丈夫的优点。比如他能够在播音中蓄意使用朋友给出的一些”大词”,增加播音的趣味。“他是谐趣文字的大师,他擅长文字游戏,能巧妙地把这种游戏揉进自己的句子里。”“看到自己最心爱的人做自己最喜欢的事,实在是一种恩赐。”




"Voice of ACU" a treasure to campus, wife

By Amy Boone


I have an interesting and honored perspective of living with the person who broadcasts ACU athletic events. My husband Grant spends countless hours on the road and on campus getting to know players, coaches, and various teams at ACU. He brings the games to life and asks questions in interviews that help fans get to know the players and the teams as well. He knows countless details about the players' lives and their game. He knows many of the players' families. He knows things other people don't know and aren't his to share. That's what happens when you spend lots and lots of time with people.


People often comment about how in the world he knows such intricate details about a particular player’s high school stats or a random connection they have to an alum. He is a student of ACU athletics. The time he spends preparing for a broadcast would seem excessive to many. He studies player guides and previous game stats. He meets with the opposing teams’ broadcasters and coaches. Every detail and nugget of information matter to him.


He is the master of witty phrases and takes great pride in crafting a sentence that includes a clever play on words. Friends were so impressed with the way he could seamlessly weave minute details and impressive vocabulary words into game broadcasts that they began texting him outlandish words to work into a broadcast! He is always up for the challenge! Some of my personal favorites have been “circumcise,” “smooth criminal,” and “super fly!”


The journey the past few years into Division 1 has been fraught with many, many challenges... some known ahead of time and many unknown until they occurred. Not only is Grant a brilliant broadcaster, he's the biggest ACU sports fan as well. He pours so much time, energy, love, and professionalism into ACU athletics. He has celebrated each milestone in the D1 journey and has endured the challenges alongside the teams. He's truly the best of the best and as insanely fortunate as ACU is to have him, he is ACU's biggest cheerleader.


Speaking of Cinderella stories and “The Big Dance,” the past few days of ACU basketball have seemed a bit like a wave of the Fairy Godmother’s magic wand for Grant. After years of calling game after game from Conway to Corpus and everything in between, the ride of this past week has almost felt like one in a magic carriage.


I got choked up when he texted after each of the games from Houston and said, "One of the coolest moments ever" and "I'm in another world right now. Surreal."


Watching your favorite person do what they love is a gift. Watching your favorite school achieve what seemed impossible really is "one of the coolest moments ever."


Go Wildcats (the purple ones... not the blue ones!)!






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安徽桐城人,现居美国,在美国高校从事课程设计工作,业余从事文学翻译,曾译有《河湾》、《一个唯美主义者的遗言》 、《老谋深算》、《万灵节》、《布鲁克林有棵树》、《两个世界之间:赛珍珠传》、《另类的英雄:萨特传》 、《地之国》、《转吧,这伟大的世界》等。他还是多家报刊的撰稿人或专栏作者。 感谢大家来访。除特别说明外,博客文章均属原创,未经授权,谢绝转载 与引用。如商业性网站或者平媒使用,请支付稿酬(联系地址berlinf@yahoo.com,或在文章后留言告知)。 违者将追究法律责任。
