"...(Cici) said nothing as she climbed, a long green stare from her." 爬瞭望塔的时候,她一声不吭,眼神愣愣的,绿绿的。
一开始我并不明白为什么特意强调眼神是绿的,所以我写信问我们老师Barbara. 她回答说::
McCann certainly likes to use colors in unusual ways. The long green stare comes from Cici. Despite her pretense of not caring that Delhart has impregnated another woman, Cici is hurt and angry, as earlier and later events prove. The "stare" implies to me that she is lost in thought. She is not really seeing the scenery through which she walks because she is thinking about Delhart's betrayal. "Green" in English is often used of jealousy and envy. I think McCann is trying to show us a jealous woman who has been betrayed in love. :
无独有偶,我们说人妒忌,说“吃醋”,“醋性大发”,“打翻了醋坛子”,因为醋是酸的(sour), 但是我发觉英文里形容妒忌,则说一个人是“妒忌而苦涩”(Jealous and Bitter), 不酸,是苦的了。唯有在性感问题上,两种语言的描述是一致的,英文中说人hot, 中文歌中唱到:辣妹子辣呀辣呀辣呀辣呀辣。