财新传媒 财新传媒

这是山西朋友发来的关于Flat Stanley的来信,写得很不错,短短几百字,让人看到了山西很多风土人情,如唢呐、剪纸、过年前的大扫除等。感谢这位Sophie朋友。

Dear Frank,

Your FLAT STANLEy came all the way to my hometown 
Luliang Linxian County , China         (city, country)

While he was here, these are some of the exciting things he saw and did:

He met a paper cut artist who could make Chinese traditional paper cuts. He liked those works but he was a bit afraid of the old man’s scissors. So I took him to see something less dangerous. We went to a wedding which was so Chinese. There were some folk performers singing folk songs while we were waiting for the bride and the bridegroom. One of them was playing the suona, a kind of instrument which is so popular in our place. And Stanley learned to play suona and he did great like he’s a natural. Since all Chinese are preparing for the lunar new year, Stanley also came to join our year-end domestic household cleaning. He had given us a lot of help and in order to thank him, my father cooked dumplings, fried bean curd and hollowware vegetables for him. After that, Stanly shared a ride with a family which was going to the village to spend the Spring Featival with seniors.

The distance between (Oklahoma City) and my hometown  Linxian  is approximately 7541.50     miles. 

If FLAT STANLEY come back to visit, he should wear  long shirts and down jacket  , because the climate here is   cold and windy and it snows a lot in winter. 

Some other interesting facts about my city/village include:

It’s located near the Yellow River.                          

It is filled with red dates which are in very good quality.        

We do Yangge during the big Festivals or important celebrations , it is a Chinese folk dance.  

My name and return address is: 

Sophie Liu
Luliang Linxian County , China






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