财新传媒 财新传媒




"得了,世界哪里不是这样。看看美国布什家的家族谱系吧,看他们都跟谁结婚,找的是什么工作。" “这事两方面看都可以,结婚看家庭不看本人似乎肤浅了,不过也很正常,人总要找门当户对的。"“但愿这对我们所有人择偶都是教训…找一个原原本本按照你的现状接纳你的人,一起走人生道路,一起打造未来。以幸福为主,因为钱财我们都死不带走。”









  1. to dump/break up with someone: 甩掉...
  2. to date/marry within their own league: 找门当户对的恋爱/结婚
  3. meal ticket: 被当成了饭票用的配偶
  4. gold digger: 淘金女,指看中钱而结婚的人
  5. money hungry women/materialistic women: 拜金女
  6. to have a big wallet:财大气粗
  7. to have a lucky escape/to dodge a bullet: 逃过一劫
  8. to get the taste of her own medicine : 遭报应/要还的


  • Peter Hanley: Yeah, like this doesn't happen anywhere else in the world. Just take the time to look at the Bush family tree in the USA and see who married who and what job they ended up in.
  • Dfreybur: I see it both ways. It's shallow because it's about one specific topic that is about his family not about him. It's natural because people tend to date within their own league.
  • David: Let this be a lesson for all those searching for their partners…invest your future in someone who loves you for who you are instead of what you have. Then, enjoy the journey of life building your futures together. Focus on happiness because nobody will take their possessions with them when they die.
  • Freda: The girl has every right to choose whether to stay or dump the guy. A free world, right? But to post it on social media makes her a snob and inhuman. So sorry for the bad manners.
  • 可瑞: Joke will really be on her when she's unmarried at age 30 and has to settle for some 40 year old with lots of money but with a white wine pot belly, a cigarette in his mouth every 2 minutes and no real interest in being good to her.
  • Andrew: Wow, sounds like Chinese women are starting to become Asian Kardashians. The world is screwed up.
  • Del-one: She would probably have a rich husband that beats her and screws around on her.
  • Radovan: Pathetic vile element. Wish she will never find anybody in her life.
  • John Lucas: well he dodged a bullet then....
  • CeeDee:It appears that he has had a lucky escape.
  • Hai Dozo: She never really loved him inthe first place and it's good she left now instead of during the marriage.
  • Lohani: The guy is lucky that the relationship ended. His relationship with the girl was never on solid grounds.Too bad the lady has chosen to display her shallowness in public. I hope she grows with time.
  • TrueSINporean: She is SICK LADY. He is fortunate to find out long earlier. Too materialistic character.
  • Theodore: One way to get rid of gold digging #$%$. He probably did himself a huge favor by getting rid of that gold digger. He's better off with a real women and not a spoiled little brat. She'll get her taste of her own medicine when she meets a man who's status is above hers and treats her like a piece of dog poop.
  • Gary: He's better off. Money hungry women would leave u anyway once they find a better meal ticket.
  • Richard: Shanghai Woman are one of the most materialist woman city in China. Don't date them unless you have a big wallet, they expect you paid almost everything even though they can afford it.
  • “whitedude”: If you are going to date a chinese girl, always ask which part of China she is from. This is something westerners we don't know. If she is from Shanghai don't ever date them, they are the most materialistic, money hung, and racist against all other non-shanghai chinese of all. I had my bad experiences already, and learned my lessons.
  • Now I See: The moment you hear the word 'Shanghai', you should have hit the exit. When the king of Indonesia called Chinese "the Jew of the Orient", he was referring to the Shanghai people. The rest of China is nothing like them…
  • Google It: As we approach Valentine's Day, it's heartening to read about true love in the enchanting Orient.





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